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Alessandria del Carretto

Alessandria del Carretto, CS, Italia

Alessandria del Carretto

Alessandria del Carretto, CS, Italia


Alessandria del Carretto, located at 1,000 m above sea level, is the highest village in the Pollino National Park. Near the Saraceno river in the eastern side of the park, it has a view that includes the gulf of Taranto.
The village, originally known as “Torricella”, was founded in 1696 by Prince Alessandro Pignone del Carretto. In addition to the magnificent wall paintings on the streets of the borgo, and picturesque stone houses, there are various places of interest: the 17th century Church of St. Alexander Martyr Pope, with splendid bell tower, the Chapel of St. Roche and the Difisella Botanical Gardens with a wide variety of medicinal herbs.

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Tarmac road, Accessible with large vehicles, Accessible by car
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Fondazione Calabria Film Commission
Cittadella Regione Calabria — Località Germaneto — 88100 Catanzaro
Phone: +39 0961 853836
Email: info@calabriafilmcommission.it

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The Four Times
Directed by: Michelangelo Frammartino

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Region: Calabria Type: Historical village (Borgo)