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Teatrino di Vetriano, vetriano di Pescaglia, lucca, toscana, location, cineturismo, fai, fonodo ambiente italiano, theater

Teatrino di Vetriano

FAI - Teatrino di Vetriano, Località Carraia, Pescaglia, LU, Italia

Teatrino di Vetriano

FAI - Teatrino di Vetriano, Località Carraia, Pescaglia, LU, Italia


71 square meters, 60 seats in the stalls and 20 more in the two balconies: in Vetriano, nestled between houses and streets of a little Tuscan city, there is the world’s smallest theater, certified by the Guinness Book of Records.

In this small but beautiful example of Italian theater-style, built in 1890, nowadays is still used the original curtain illustrating an allegory of arts to perform shows and opera. In 2003, the theatre has won the International Award for theatrical architecture, shared with the theatre Fenice of Venice.

Source: FAI - Fondo Ambiente Italiano

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Tarmac road, Accessible with large vehicles, Accessible by car, Accessible with off-road vehicles
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Toscana Film Commission
Via San Gallo 25 — 50129 Firenze
Phone: +39 055 2719035
Fax: +39 055 2719027
Email: staff@toscanafilmcommission.it

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Contacts FAI - Fondo Ambiente Italiano

Via Carlo Foldi 2 - 20135 Milano

Telefono: +39 02 46 76 15 393

Email: m.pizzorni@fondoambiente.it

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