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Sant'Agata Feltria

Sant'Agata Feltria, Provincia di Rimini, 47866, Emilia-Romagna, Italia

Sant'Agata Feltria

Sant'Agata Feltria, Provincia di Rimini, 47866, Emilia-Romagna, Italia


Sant'Agata Feltria is a small mountain area in the province of Rimini, located between the rivers Savio and Marecchia. It is a well conserved ancient borgo with various buildings of significant historical value.

From the end of the 9th century, the borgo belonged to various feudal overlords, including the Malatesta, Montefeltro and finally the Fregoso family who gave their name to the 10th century fortress, restored by Francesco di Giorgio Martini in 1474. Under the Fregoso family, the historical centre saw many new buildings, including the 17th century Palazzone that houses the Angelo Mariani Theatre, one of the oldest in Italy whose structure is entirely built in wood.

Sant’Agata is also a conglomerate of sanctuaries and convents including: the Collegiate of Sant'Agata (10th century), whose present appearance is due to Baroque restoration work in 1776; the Church of San Francesco della Rosa which takes its name from a visit by St. Francis of Assisi; the Church and Convent of St. Girolamo built in 1560 by the Fregoso family; the Church and convent of the Capuchins, founded in 1575 by Lucrezia Vitelli Fregoso; the Church and convent of the Poor Clares and the Sanctuary of Our Lady of Help built in 1520 to give thanks for victory against an invading army.

The fortified borgo of Petrella Guidi, approximately 6 km away, has stone houses on narrow, cobbled alleyways which are overlooked by a tower.

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Tarmac road, Accessible with large vehicles
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Emilia-Romagna Film Commission
Viale Aldo Moro 38 — 40127 Bologna
Phone: +39 051 5278753
Email: filmcom@regione.emilia-romagna.it

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The Properties of Metals
Film drama
Directed by: Antonio Bigini

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