A small town located on the border between the Marsica area and Peligna Valley, Cocullo owes its fame to religious and folk traditions that are so alive and deeply rooted to this day that they have made the town the subject of various ethnographic studies and a truly unique tourist destination. Cocullo sits in the Valley of the River Pezzana, which flows from the Sagittario River, 900 metres above sea level. Academics are now certain that the Koukoulon cited by Greek historian and geographer Strabone (I century B.C.) was an ancient settlement located near modern-day Cocullo, in the Triana and Casale areas. The name derives from customs used to honour San Domenico. In the first few days of spring, local residents take to the fields to capture snakes to “accompany” the Saint during the procession in May, perpetuating the figure of the “Serparo”.
Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografia, Scuola Nazionale di Cinema — Abruzzo
Via Rocco Carabba 2 — 67100 L'Aquila
Phone: 0862380924
Email: alessia.moretti@fondazionecsc.it
Edited by Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografia, Scuola Nazionale di Cinema — Abruzzo.