The Lake of Guardialfiera, also known as the Diga del Liscione, is a manmade lake with a maximum surface area of 7.45 km² and a depth of 2 - 3 metres, populated by a wide variety of fish that attracts sport fishing enthusiasts.
The engineered barrier “gravity” type structure, with a concrete covered embankment, was built between the 1960s and 70s to channel drinking water from River Biferno and distribute it to nearby villages, including Termoli, Campomarino, Portocannone, San Martino in Pensilis and Larino. With the building of the dam, an ancient structure known as Hannibal’s Bridge was submerged by the waters, but it can be seen in dry periods.
A softly rolling natural landscape extends around the lake with the village of Guardialfiera above it. The viaduct of the Bifernina – the state road that links Termoli with Campobasso – elegantly crosses the lake without detracting from its beauty, providing some very picturesque shapes.
MoliseCinema Film Festival
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