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Sanctuary and Convent of San Francesco da Paola

Santuario di San Francesco da Paola, Largo S. Francesco di Paola, Paola, CS, Italia

Sanctuary and Convent of San Francesco da Paola

Santuario di San Francesco da Paola, Largo S. Francesco di Paola, Paola, CS, Italia


The Sanctuary of San Francesco da Paola is located in a luxuriant river valley in the hilly part of Paola, birthplace of the saint, Francis of Paola.
A large entrance square opens before the main façade of the ancient Basilica dating to the 16th century in late Renaissance style. The space inside is sparsely decorated with a lateral nave to the right composed of four small chapels and a Baroque chapel at the back which conserves relics of the saint: some clothing, bone fragments and a tooth. This, the oldest structure, also features a windowed cloister with rose beds, a garden with a wide variety of plants and wall frescoes narrating episodes from the saint’s life. Near the cloister is a bell tower and a hermitage with small, underground rooms.
The large modern basilica, inaugurated in 2000, and the Cucchiarella fountain are located on the righthand side of the sanctuary; a path illustrating the saint’s miracles leads to the Diavolo bridge and the cave of Penitence beside the Isca stream.

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Tarmac road, Accessible with large vehicles, Accessible by car
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Fondazione Calabria Film Commission
Cittadella Regione Calabria — Località Germaneto — 88100 Catanzaro
Phone: +39 0961 853836
Email: info@calabriafilmcommission.it

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