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<p>centrale ideoelettrica, museo, fiume Cellina</p>

Former hydroelectric power station of Malnisio

Antica Centrale idroelettrica A. Pitter di Malnisio, Via Alessandro Volta, Montereale Valcellina, PN, Italia

Former hydroelectric power station of Malnisio

Antica Centrale idroelettrica A. Pitter di Malnisio, Via Alessandro Volta, Montereale Valcellina, PN, Italia


The key attraction in Malnisio is the "A. Pitter" hydroelectric power station, the first in the region and one of the earliest in Italy, designed in 1895 - 1896 by engineer Luigi Salice from Pordenone with his nephew Aristide Zenari, and acquired in 1897 by "Società promotrice per l'utilizzo delle forze idrauliche del Veneto" (or "Società Cellina") of Venice.
Set in the lush natural landscape of the Pordenone foothills, the “Antonio Pitter” hydroelectric power plant is a splendid example of early 20th century industrial architecture. It houses perfectly preserved turbines, alternators, machinery and original finds which tell the story of the extraordinary technological adventure that transformed the Cellina river into an energy source.
In the early 20th century, public lighting in Venice’s piazza San Marco in Venice was made possible for the first time; powering it with the diverted waters of the Cellina river, thanks to the work of 2,000+ miners, stonecutters, bricklayers, carpenters, barrowers and carriers. The four enormous Francis turbines are still visible today.
Closed in 1988, it is now a visitor site exhibiting items from its pioneering hydroelectric systems.

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Friuli Venezia Giulia Film Commission
Piazza Duca degli Abruzzi 3 — 34132 Trieste
Phone: +39 040 3720142
Email: filmcommission@promoturismo.fvg.it

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Region Friuli Venezia Giulia
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