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cineturismo, location, cinema, turismo, film tourism, movie tour, fascismo, fabbrica, archeologia industriale, Torviscosa, Udine, produzione di cellulosa, production of cellulose, regime fascista, Fascist, SNIA Viscosa, coltivazione della canna,  cultivation of cane, stabilimento industriale, industrial area, CID, centro Informazione Documentazione, torre panoramica, panoramic tower, piazza del popolo, giuseppe de min


Torviscosa, UD, Italia


Torviscosa, UD, Italia


Founded in the 1930s, Torviscosa (UD) reproduces the canons of Fascist architecture. It was established by the Italian company SNIA Viscosa who identified the area as the perfect place to cultivate cane on a large scale and to set up an industrial area to produce cellulose.
The city’s industrial vocation is made immediately obvious at the piazzale d’ingresso, mostly buildings used for production, and the CID - Centro Informazione Documentazione, now an exhibition hall. A panoramic tower offers a view over the entire city and surrounding territory.
The social side of the city includes a theatre and a building for after-work dining. The residential area could host up to 20,000 people, distributed according to their function: the workers’ village, technicians’ houses, directors’ residences and areas for free time.
Piazza del Popolo, previously piazza Impero, was designed by Giuseppe De Min in 1940 and features the town hall. The industrial buildings, whose different shapes all have a red brick façade, are older (1937-1940). Today, industrial bases can still be found in some of the buildings here. The historical buildings are perfectly preserved.

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Tarmac road, Accessible with large vehicles, Wheelchair accessible
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Friuli Venezia Giulia Film Commission
Piazza Duca degli Abruzzi 3 — 34132 Trieste
Phone: +39 040 3720142
Email: filmcommission@promoturismo.fvg.it

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Film comedy
Directed by: Maurizio Nichetti

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