Located in the Appio Latino neighbourhood of Rome, Villa Lazzaroni was built towards the end of the 1800s on the site of a vineyard. The main block, today the offices of the local council, Municipio VII, was built onto a pre-existing farmhouse with additional rooms added for receptions.
The park is today divided into two: half the garden is a public park, the other half, which includes the building, belongs to the Franciscan Sisters Missionaries of Mary. There were fountains and rustic flowerbeds edging the garden walks whose traces are lost today after multiple modifications. A wide variety of trees were planted with eucalyptus trees, pines, cedars and palms still standing in their original position. The park has a play area for children, sports equipment, a bowls ground, a fairground and pony rides.
Roma Lazio Film Commission
Via Parigi 11 – 00185, Roma
Phone: +39 06 72286273/320
Fax: +39 06 722 1127
Email: info@romalaziofilmcommission.it