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Civic museum of Bassano del Grappa

Museo Civico di Bassano del Grappa, Piazza Garibaldi, Bassano del Grappa, VI, Italia

Civic museum of Bassano del Grappa

Museo Civico di Bassano del Grappa, Piazza Garibaldi, Bassano del Grappa, VI, Italia


The Civic Museum of Bassano del Grappa, one of the oldest institutions of this sort in the Veneto region, was founded in 1828 following a bequest by the naturalist Giambattista Brocchi and has been housed in the former monastery of St. Francis in piazza Garibaldi since 1840.
Since the 14th century, the convent has comprised a cloister and the chapel of St. Anthony the Great which lies diagonal to the original Church of St. Mary to the right of the apse and is the only surviving medieval element of the convent complex.
The Civic Museum includes: the world’s largest collection of paintings by Jacopo Da Ponte and his workshop; a wing dedicated to Antonio Canova; an archaeological section with ceramics from 9th century BCE, small sculptures, jewels, gemstones, coins and objects; a medieval section featuring the celebrated Guariento crucifix; and sections dedicated to the 1600 and 1700s with original works by Giambattista Tiepolo, Artemisia Gentileschi and Alessandro Magnasco. The display in the 1800 section includes a small portrait of Francesco Hayez and a view of the city from the Brenta river by Roberto Roberti.
Since 2014, the museum has also incorporated the Civic Gallery, a two-storey display space used for temporary exhibitions.

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Tarmac road, Accessible with large vehicles, Accessible by car
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Fondazione Veneto Film Commission
Via Carducci, 32 – 30171 Venezia Mestre
Phone: +39 041 279 43 38
Email: info@venetofilmcommission.com

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Di padre in figlia
TV series - 4 episodes
Directed by: Riccardo Milani

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