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cineturismo, location, cinema, turismo, film tourism, movie tour, Castelgrande, parco dei colori, parco botanico, botanic garden, Guglielmo Gasparrini, Coppolo, Butterfly House, farfalle, osservatorio astronomico, Astronomical Observatory, centro storico, palazzo cianci, Renato Spicciarelli, Toppo, Coppolo, Basilicata, Lucania


Castelgrande, PZ, Italia


Castelgrande, PZ, Italia


Perched on a spur of rock, Castelgrande (PZ) rose up around the year 1000 CE, although traces of human settlement in the area can be dated even earlier. The residential centre developed around a castle since destroyed by earthquakes probably Lombard in origin, surrounded by the lush vegetation of the forests of Lucania.

The residential centre features narrow streets and alleys, historical residences and ancient portals with artistic decoration, including Palazzo Cianci built in the early 1600s which has a door in Baroque style with original friezes.

The area is also well-known for the Astronomical Observatory, in Toppo, today an international astrophysics research and testing centre.

The Parco dei Colori – the only botanic garden in the region of Basilicata – is located in the Coppolo area and dedicated to the famous botanist Guglielmo Gasparrini. Designed and planned by Prof. Renato Spicciarelli, docent at the University degli Studi della Basilicata, the park extends over approx. 2 hectares. This area hosts several natural habitats that are very different to each other and a Butterfly House, a large transparent hemisphere with lush vegetation that is home to butterflies from all over the world.

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Tarmac road, Accessible with large vehicles, Accessible by car, Accessible with off-road vehicles
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Lucana Film Commission
Via Madonna delle Virtù snc — 75100 Matera (sede legale); Corso Garibaldi 139 — 85100 Potenza (uffici)
Phone: +39 0971 665034
Email: email@lucanafilmcommission.it

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Region: Basilicata Type: Village