The most modern and dynamic side of Abruzzo can be seen in Pescara, city on the Adriatic Sea crossed by the river of the same name and birthplace of historical characters like Gabriele D’Annunzio. It is famous for its coastline with wide beaches of golden sand, well-equipped beach clubs, seaside restaurants and a long cycle path. Right in the centre of the coastline, “La Nave” fountain in Carrara marble, created in 1986 by Pescarese sculptor Pietro Cascella, was inspired by the city’s great sailing tradition and the tragic destiny of those imprisoned in the Fortress of Pescara, also known as the Bagno Borbonico, who were forced to row Spanish ships until the mid-1800s. An unusual skyline features two very modern bridges: the Ponte del Mare, a large pedestrian and bicycle bridge, and Ponte Ennio Flaiano, an imposing structure linking the two shores of the Pescara river. The tourist port and ferris wheel are also worth noting. The outline of a part of the Gran Sasso d’Italia mountain range, appears at sunset in particular to resemble the profile of a face and torso of a laying woman and so is known as the Sleeping Beauty. The city’s splendid museums include the Cascella Museum, the Museum delle Genti d’Abruzzo, the Museum delle Ceramiche Paparella Treccia Devlet, and the Museum House of Gabriele D’Annunzio. The hall of the Provincial Government of Pescara contains a most beautiful example of late 1800s painting: the extraordinary Figlia di Jorio by Francesco Paolo Michetti.
Film Commission d'Abruzzo
Centro Regionale Beni Culturali - Sulmona
Phone: + 39 0864 576303