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cineturismo, location, cinema, turismo, film tourism, movie tour, Fara in Sabina, Montagna, Reatino, Rieti, Canneto, Monte San Martino, colle buzio, monti sabini, valle del tevere, porta romana, Palazzo Orsini, Palazzo Manfredi, Palazzo Martini, piazza del Duomo, Torre Campanaria, Bell tower, Cisterna, Palazzo Brancaleoni, Museo Civico Archeologico, Collegiata di Sant’Antonino, Duomo di Fara, Vignola, Monastero delle Clarisse Eremite, Museo del Silenzio, Chiesa di San Giacomo, Cammino di Francesco, Lazio, Italy for Movies, canneto, borgo, medieval, sabine mountains, tiber valley, Civic Archaeological Museum, Monastery of the Hermit Poor Clares, Museum of Silence, Church of St. James, ancient olive tree

Fara in Sabina

Fara In Sabina, RI, Italia

Fara in Sabina

Fara In Sabina, RI, Italia


Fara in Sabina (province of Rieti) is a borgo of medieval origin perched on colle Buzio, between the Sabine mountains and the Tiber valley. Archaeological artefacts found in the surroundings suggest settlements dating back to prehistoric times; during the Renaissance, noble families built elegant residences in place of the old houses which modified the urban layout of the village, and the city walls and two entrance gates were added.
Many noble residences can be found along the narrow streets leading from porta Romana, including Palazzo Orsini, Palazzo Manfredi and Palazzo Martini. The piazza del Duomo features the bell tower and a water kiosk, the 15th century Palazzo Brancaleoni which houses the Civic Archaeological Museum, and the Collegiata di Sant’Antonino, also known as Fara Cathedral, by the school of Vignola.
Other significant buildings include the Monastery of the Hermit Poor Clares which includes the Museum of Silence, and the Church of St. James. The Path of St. Francis leads through Fara in Sabina to the Abbey of Farfa.
The most ancient olive tree in Europe, about 2,000 years old, stands in the hamlet of Canneto, with a trunk of approx. 7m in diameter.

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Tarmac road, Accessible with large vehicles, Accessible by car
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Roma Lazio Film Commission
Via Parigi 11 – 00185, Roma
Phone: +39 06 72286273/320
Fax: +39 06 722 1127
Email: info@romalaziofilmcommission.it

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Region Lazio
Facilities Lazio

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Girl Returned
Film drama
Directed by: Giuseppe Bonito

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