The film debut for musical duo Colapesce and Dimartino, is an adventurous comedy directed by Zavvo Nicolosi, who created the video for Musica leggerissima, the song they presented at the Festival della canzone italiana di Sanremo in 2021.
The story revolves around Antonio (Dimartino) and Lorenzo (Colapesce), former musical partners, who come back together on a surreal journey as they follow a mysterious project proposed by Antonio.
The road movie is entirely set in Sicily – Catania, Syracuse, Palermo – where the pair are racing against time to reach their goal, taking their beat-up orange car to the most surreal and unusual places on the island, inhabited by bizarre fantastical people.
The cast also features Stefania Rocca as their agent and Corrado Fortuna as a mechanic obsessed with The Doors. On their journey, they come across unexpected special guests: Madame, Roberto Vecchioni, Brunori Sas, Erland Øye, La Comitiva.
The film debut for musical duo Colapesce and Dimartino, is an adventurous comedy directed by Zavvo Nicolosi, who created the video for Musica leggerissima, the song they presented at the Festival della canzone italiana di Sanremo in 2021.
The story revolves around Antonio (Dimartino) and Lorenzo (Colapesce), former musical partners, who come back together on a surreal journey as they follow a mysterious project proposed by Antonio.
The road movie is entirely set in Sicily – Catania, Syracuse, Palermo – where the pair are racing against time to reach their goal, taking their beat-up orange car to the most surreal and unusual places on the island, inhabited by bizarre fantastical people.
The cast also features Stefania Rocca as their agent and Corrado Fortuna as a mechanic obsessed with The Doors. On their journey, they come across unexpected special guests: Madame, Roberto Vecchioni, Brunori Sas, Erland Øye, La Comitiva.
Wildside, Sugar Play, Vision Distribution, Sky