The plot of Gabriele Muccino's thriller Fino alla fine unfolds over 24 hours, during which time everything, including a robbery, happens. Californian tourist Sophie (Elena Kampouris) meets three young men on the beach who promise to take her around the Sicilian capital; in reality they have a debt to pay and need to use her. Sophie discovers that life is nothing more than the result of individual choices.
The film was shot in Autumn 2023 in Palermo (all the daytime scenes) and the seaside village of Mondello (the night scenes), locations included corso Vittorio Emanuele, Arenella, piazza Marina, Ballarò, Kalsa, Botanic Gardens Botanico, Cathedral, via Roma and viale dell'Olimpo. A diving scene was filmed near the Norman tower, while the beach of Mondello served as the fictional Marettimo.
The plot of Gabriele Muccino's thriller Fino alla fine unfolds over 24 hours, during which time everything, including a robbery, happens. Californian tourist Sophie (Elena Kampouris) meets three young men on the beach who promise to take her around the Sicilian capital; in reality they have a debt to pay and need to use her. Sophie discovers that life is nothing more than the result of individual choices.
The film was shot in Autumn 2023 in Palermo (all the daytime scenes) and the seaside village of Mondello (the night scenes), locations included corso Vittorio Emanuele, Arenella, piazza Marina, Ballarò, Kalsa, Botanic Gardens Botanico, Cathedral, via Roma and viale dell'Olimpo. A diving scene was filmed near the Norman tower, while the beach of Mondello served as the fictional Marettimo.
Sophie, a twenty-something American vacationing in Palermo with her sister, meets Giulio and his group of friends in the last 24 hours of her stay in Sicily. These 24 hours will change the course of her life forever as Sophie discovers that life is made of choices and that the ones she makes will take her to the edge of the abyss, transforming a simple love story into a tale of survival, redemption and pure adrenaline. This group of twenty-year-olds, still inexperienced in handling life, discover how easy it is to make mistakes.