The TV series, created by Carlo Lucarelli and Giampiero Rigosi, is a blend of genres (detective, noir and fantasy) that has never been attempted before in Italy. Evoking the American cult film Ghost (1990), and set in the city of Trieste which becomes a character in its own right, the boundary between life and death is broken for higher purposes, such as the safety of the woman he loves and the need to find out the truth.
Cagliostro disobeys his superior’s orders and leaves his office in the police station, recreated in the Palazzo della RAS in Piazza della Repubblica, to head for the hiding place of the criminal known as The Mexican. However, during a gun fight in the hideout, shot in the enormous, disused Warehouse 22 in the Porto Vecchio area, both Leonardo and The Mexican are killed. The “red door” that will take them to the other side opens in the warehouse roof but Leonardo decides not to cross it. His ghostly investigation will turn him into him an observer of the lives of others and of the city of Trieste, often in piazza Unità d’Italia, ponte Rosso and via del Teatro Romano.
As a ghost, he has a privileged observation point on the capital of the Friuli region, from the Ursus crane on the Porto Vecchio dock, which has since become the symbol of the TV series. The meeting with Vanessa, the only person able to see him, takes the characters to many, diverse settings, such as the majestic entrance of the Università di Trieste in piazzale Europa, the rione Melara where Vanessa lives and the shoreline of the historical bathing lido Ausonia. Another cardinal location is Anna’s home, where Leonardo also lived before their separation, set in a building in via Belpoggio.
The TV series, created by Carlo Lucarelli and Giampiero Rigosi, is a blend of genres (detective, noir and fantasy) that has never been attempted before in Italy. Evoking the American cult film Ghost (1990), and set in the city of Trieste which becomes a character in its own right, the boundary between life and death is broken for higher purposes, such as the safety of the woman he loves and the need to find out the truth.
Cagliostro disobeys his superior’s orders and leaves his office in the police station, recreated in the Palazzo della RAS in Piazza della Repubblica, to head for the hiding place of the criminal known as The Mexican. However, during a gun fight in the hideout, shot in the enormous, disused Warehouse 22 in the Porto Vecchio area, both Leonardo and The Mexican are killed. The “red door” that will take them to the other side opens in the warehouse roof but Leonardo decides not to cross it. His ghostly investigation will turn him into him an observer of the lives of others and of the city of Trieste, often in piazza Unità d’Italia, ponte Rosso and via del Teatro Romano.
As a ghost, he has a privileged observation point on the capital of the Friuli region, from the Ursus crane on the Porto Vecchio dock, which has since become the symbol of the TV series. The meeting with Vanessa, the only person able to see him, takes the characters to many, diverse settings, such as the majestic entrance of the Università di Trieste in piazzale Europa, the rione Melara where Vanessa lives and the shoreline of the historical bathing lido Ausonia. Another cardinal location is Anna’s home, where Leonardo also lived before their separation, set in a building in via Belpoggio.
Vela Film, Rai Fiction
Inspector Leonardo Cagliostro is dealing with the most difficult case of his career: finding his own murderer. At the moment of his death, he has a vision of his wife Anna undergoing the same end. Determined to save her, Leonardo will not cross the red door that delineates the living from the dead. As a ghost, he begins to unearth the truth about the secret lives of his colleagues and dearest friends, with the help of young Vanessa, the only person who can see him.