From Scratch, a Netflix TV series directed by Nzingha Stewart, is a romantic drama starring Zoe Saldana based on the autobiographical novel by Tembi Locke, adapted for TV by her sister Attica Locke. The Italian shoot took place in Florence from 21 July to 7 August 2021 and used many locations in the historical centre.
Piazza Santa Croce and its unmistakeable basilica appear in one of the very first frames of the series when Amy (Zoe Saldana) arrives in Florence to fulfil her vocation as an artist. The art school she attends is actually the Liceo artistico di Porta Romana e Sesto Fiorentino. While Amy’s apartment is in piazza del Carmine, seen in the background of many scenes, numerous shots offer picture-perfect images of the Tuscan regional capital: piazza Ognissanti, piazza del Mercato Nuovo with the San Lorenzo market where Lino (Eugenio Mastrandrea) spots a leather diary, piazza Santo Spirito, piazzale Michelangelo and the river roads, plus via Lambertesca, piazza San Pier Maggiore, piazza del Mercato Nuovo, the Church of San Salvi, the Church of Santa Monaca, ponte alle Grazie where Amy tries to explain to her father that she wants to be an artist not a lawyer, Borgo Santi Apostoli and via dell’Oriuolo.
The private locations used included: Palazzo Corsini where Amy kisses Giancarlo beneath a frescoed ceiling; the Buca dell’Orafo restaurant in via dei Girolami where Lino works as a chef; the Westin Excelsior Hotel; and the Rex Caffè.
During the series, Lino tries to rebuild his relationship with his Sicilian family: several scenes were shot on the island, in and around Cefalù.
From Scratch, a Netflix TV series directed by Nzingha Stewart, is a romantic drama starring Zoe Saldana based on the autobiographical novel by Tembi Locke, adapted for TV by her sister Attica Locke. The Italian shoot took place in Florence from 21 July to 7 August 2021 and used many locations in the historical centre.
Piazza Santa Croce and its unmistakeable basilica appear in one of the very first frames of the series when Amy (Zoe Saldana) arrives in Florence to fulfil her vocation as an artist. The art school she attends is actually the Liceo artistico di Porta Romana e Sesto Fiorentino. While Amy’s apartment is in piazza del Carmine, seen in the background of many scenes, numerous shots offer picture-perfect images of the Tuscan regional capital: piazza Ognissanti, piazza del Mercato Nuovo with the San Lorenzo market where Lino (Eugenio Mastrandrea) spots a leather diary, piazza Santo Spirito, piazzale Michelangelo and the river roads, plus via Lambertesca, piazza San Pier Maggiore, piazza del Mercato Nuovo, the Church of San Salvi, the Church of Santa Monaca, ponte alle Grazie where Amy tries to explain to her father that she wants to be an artist not a lawyer, Borgo Santi Apostoli and via dell’Oriuolo.
The private locations used included: Palazzo Corsini where Amy kisses Giancarlo beneath a frescoed ceiling; the Buca dell’Orafo restaurant in via dei Girolami where Lino works as a chef; the Westin Excelsior Hotel; and the Rex Caffè.
During the series, Lino tries to rebuild his relationship with his Sicilian family: several scenes were shot on the island, in and around Cefalù.
Hello Sunshine, 3 Arts Entertainment