One Trillion Dollars is a six-episode series from Paramount+ Original, based on the bestseller of the same title by Andreas Eschbach. Set around the globe, the series features an international cast acting in a range of languages. Locations included Tuscany and Piedmont.
The series filmed in Tuscany in October and November 2022, in the historical centre of Florence, Lucca (interiors of a private residence), Viareggio (Cittadella del Carnevale) and Massa (on the road from Antona to Passo del Vestito). The production was based at Manifatture Digitali Cinema Pisa for preparation and production in Tuscany.
The production spent three weeks in pre-production and four weeks of shooting in Piedmont in November 2022, mostly in Turin. The 25 shoot days used locations in the city and province of Turin, including: the Olivetti factory(Ivrea), Vittorio Emanuele bridge, Murazzi del Po, Caselle airport, State archive, the Burgo paper factory (San Mauro Torinese), ristorante Arcadia, galleria Subalpina (which features in the trailer), via Palazzo di Città, caffè Platti, Porta Susa station, Nuvola Lavazza and the Parish of San Luca.
One Trillion Dollars is a six-episode series from Paramount+ Original, based on the bestseller of the same title by Andreas Eschbach. Set around the globe, the series features an international cast acting in a range of languages. Locations included Tuscany and Piedmont.
The series filmed in Tuscany in October and November 2022, in the historical centre of Florence, Lucca (interiors of a private residence), Viareggio (Cittadella del Carnevale) and Massa (on the road from Antona to Passo del Vestito). The production was based at Manifatture Digitali Cinema Pisa for preparation and production in Tuscany.
The production spent three weeks in pre-production and four weeks of shooting in Piedmont in November 2022, mostly in Turin. The 25 shoot days used locations in the city and province of Turin, including: the Olivetti factory(Ivrea), Vittorio Emanuele bridge, Murazzi del Po, Caselle airport, State archive, the Burgo paper factory (San Mauro Torinese), ristorante Arcadia, galleria Subalpina (which features in the trailer), via Palazzo di Città, caffè Platti, Porta Susa station, Nuvola Lavazza and the Parish of San Luca.
W&B Television, Paramount Television International