The sequel to the 2020 action comedy My Spy: The Eternal City from director Pete Segal reunites the cast led by Dave Bautista and Chloe Coleman for a family adventure set in some of Europe's most iconic destinations. When Sophie's (Coleman) high school choir is selected for an Italian tour culminating in a performance for the Pope in Vatican City, JJ (Bautista) sees an opportunity to bond with his new stepdaughter and volunteers to escort the group through the canals of Venice, the bridges of Florence and the timeless beauty of Rome. He unexpectedly discovers that he and Sophie are the unwitting pawns in a terrorist plot that could end the world as we know it. The cast includes Ken Jeong and Kristen Schaal who return in their roles, Anna Faris, Craig Robinson and Flula Borg.
The film offers the opportunity to revisit some of Italy’s most iconic places with the protagonists: starting in Venice, where the school crosses the Grand Canal, approaching piazza San Marco, while JJ improvises as a tour guide showing the Doge's Palace. It’s easy to fall in love with the ponte Rialto at night.
Second stop is Florence, with the alleys of the historic centre and the unmistakable lines of the Cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore.
Rome appears in all its ancient beauty, from St. Peter's to Castel Sant'Angelo, from Villa Medici to the Imperial Forums, and the interior of the majestic Colosseum. After the streets of the historic centre and beyond, there’s time for a stop on the steps of piazza di Spagna.
The sequel to the 2020 action comedy My Spy: The Eternal City from director Pete Segal reunites the cast led by Dave Bautista and Chloe Coleman for a family adventure set in some of Europe's most iconic destinations. When Sophie's (Coleman) high school choir is selected for an Italian tour culminating in a performance for the Pope in Vatican City, JJ (Bautista) sees an opportunity to bond with his new stepdaughter and volunteers to escort the group through the canals of Venice, the bridges of Florence and the timeless beauty of Rome. He unexpectedly discovers that he and Sophie are the unwitting pawns in a terrorist plot that could end the world as we know it. The cast includes Ken Jeong and Kristen Schaal who return in their roles, Anna Faris, Craig Robinson and Flula Borg.
The film offers the opportunity to revisit some of Italy’s most iconic places with the protagonists: starting in Venice, where the school crosses the Grand Canal, approaching piazza San Marco, while JJ improvises as a tour guide showing the Doge's Palace. It’s easy to fall in love with the ponte Rialto at night.
Second stop is Florence, with the alleys of the historic centre and the unmistakable lines of the Cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore.
Rome appears in all its ancient beauty, from St. Peter's to Castel Sant'Angelo, from Villa Medici to the Imperial Forums, and the interior of the majestic Colosseum. After the streets of the historic centre and beyond, there’s time for a stop on the steps of piazza di Spagna.
Dogbone Entertainment, Good Fear Content, Lupin Film, Madison Wells, NV Films, STX Entertainment, Amazon MGM Studios
When Sophie's high school choir is selected for an Italian tour culminating in a performance for the Pope in Vatican City, JJ sees an opportunity to bond with his new stepdaughter and volunteers to escort the group through the canals of Venice, the famous bridges of Florence, and the most iconic landmarks of Rome. He unexpectedly discovers that he and Sophie are the unwitting pawns in a terrorist plot that could end the world as we know it.
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