The small village of Corchiano (VT), in the past a Farnese property, has conserved its medieval structure and rises south of the Monti Cimini range. It can probably be identified with ancient Fescennium, one of the most important cities of the Falisca civilization which had significant affinities with the Etruscan culture and whose name was given to the Fescennine Verses (Ludi fescennini) often bawdy mimes and songs performed by the local populations on sacred feast days. The number of necropolises found in the territory of Corchiano, in Caprigliano, Vallone, Sant’Antonio, Selva Fratta, Puntone del Ponte and la Lista, demonstrate a significant human presence from 800 to 200 BCE. Just outside the village, in the area of Madonna del Soccorso, several rock tombs can be seen (400-200 BCE).
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