The three seasons of the series, this time set in the 1980s, are based in the city of Turin. The city centre, between Piazza Vittorio Veneto and the Murazzi del Po, encloses the symbolic places where the characters interact.
The university protests and other events in the life of Fortunato, now a researcher, are set in the Rectorate of the Università degli Studi of Turin. Meanwhile, the farmhouse in the open countryside where Benedetta and Bernardo decide to move, away from their old life, is in Castelnuovo Don Bosco (AT).
Despite the various changes of residence, the apartment building in Via Mazzini in Turin remains at the heart of these two families’ lives and they can’t help moving back there to feel at home.
The three seasons of the series, this time set in the 1980s, are based in the city of Turin. The city centre, between Piazza Vittorio Veneto and the Murazzi del Po, encloses the symbolic places where the characters interact.
The university protests and other events in the life of Fortunato, now a researcher, are set in the Rectorate of the Università degli Studi of Turin. Meanwhile, the farmhouse in the open countryside where Benedetta and Bernardo decide to move, away from their old life, is in Castelnuovo Don Bosco (AT).
Despite the various changes of residence, the apartment building in Via Mazzini in Turin remains at the heart of these two families’ lives and they can’t help moving back there to feel at home.
Ten years after the previous season, the Costa and Strano families meet again to find that old wounds are still open and there are new stories to handle in the daily life of the 1980s.