The story takes place in New York, where the family and protagonists of the story live, Paris, where Joe lives, and Venice, where Joe goes on holiday with Djuna and meets Von.
In Venice, while Djuna goes on a gondola ride with her current squeeze, Joe is consumed by love in his hotel room, which overlooks the Grand Canal, the prestigious Gritti Palace in Campo Santa Maria del Giglio.
The next day Joe, with a bit of a nudge from his daughter, decides to go jogging, with the sole aim of meeting a woman, Von, along the canals, over bridges and all the way up to Campo Santo Stefano. The collision encounter between the two finally happens in the square of Campiello Barbaro. Under St. Christopher’s Bridge flows the Grand Canal, and on the characteristic curving steps of the bridge lead to the square Joe and Von first meet.
Von loves Tintoretto, and it is right in front of The Crucifixion, one of the works used by the artist in the 16th century to decorate the Scuola Grande di San Rocco, that she bumps into Joe again, who amazes her with his (relatively recently-acquired) knowledge on the Venetian painter.
Outside the museum, as the pair sit by the Grand Canal, Von discovers to her great surprise that Joe embodies everything she’s ever wanted.
In the courtyard of Palazzo Barbaro a San Vidal, on Fondamenta Barbaro, Joe and Von's Venetian adventure ends with a kiss.
The story takes place in New York, where the family and protagonists of the story live, Paris, where Joe lives, and Venice, where Joe goes on holiday with Djuna and meets Von.
In Venice, while Djuna goes on a gondola ride with her current squeeze, Joe is consumed by love in his hotel room, which overlooks the Grand Canal, the prestigious Gritti Palace in Campo Santa Maria del Giglio.
The next day Joe, with a bit of a nudge from his daughter, decides to go jogging, with the sole aim of meeting a woman, Von, along the canals, over bridges and all the way up to Campo Santo Stefano. The collision encounter between the two finally happens in the square of Campiello Barbaro. Under St. Christopher’s Bridge flows the Grand Canal, and on the characteristic curving steps of the bridge lead to the square Joe and Von first meet.
Von loves Tintoretto, and it is right in front of The Crucifixion, one of the works used by the artist in the 16th century to decorate the Scuola Grande di San Rocco, that she bumps into Joe again, who amazes her with his (relatively recently-acquired) knowledge on the Venetian painter.
Outside the museum, as the pair sit by the Grand Canal, Von discovers to her great surprise that Joe embodies everything she’s ever wanted.
In the courtyard of Palazzo Barbaro a San Vidal, on Fondamenta Barbaro, Joe and Von's Venetian adventure ends with a kiss.
Smile Entertainment, Sweetlend Film
The adventures in love of an enlarged New York family as told by teenager Djuna, whose mother is on her second marriage to Bob, who has three daughters and a son, and her father Joe, who lives in Paris, can’t seem to find the right woman.