In the sequel to the comedy Book Club, the four friends played by Jane Fonda, Diane Keaton, Candice Bergen and Mary Steenburgen are on a new adventure. To celebrate Diane’s (Jane Fonda) upcoming marriage, they fly from America to Italy for an exhilarating all-female holiday, one they always wanted to take but had never before found the time. The cast also includes Hugh Quarshie, Vincent Riotta, Giancarlo Giannini.
Their tour of the peninsula takes in some unmissable stops. Rome is seen in all her majesty: the Vatican, piazza di Spagna, Trevi fountain, the Colosseum and Imperial Fora, and the Pantheon in piazza della Rotonda.
The Venice lagoon is the perfect romantic destination for the characters, with additional gastronomic experiences. After arriving at piazzale della stazione Santa Lucia, there were – naturally – adventures on the Grand Canal and piazza San Marco.
Another destination is the Tuscan countryside, in particular the medieval village of San Gimignano, famous for its numerous towers that emerge from the hillside.
Scenes were also shot in Cinecittà Studios.
In the sequel to the comedy Book Club, the four friends played by Jane Fonda, Diane Keaton, Candice Bergen and Mary Steenburgen are on a new adventure. To celebrate Diane’s (Jane Fonda) upcoming marriage, they fly from America to Italy for an exhilarating all-female holiday, one they always wanted to take but had never before found the time. The cast also includes Hugh Quarshie, Vincent Riotta, Giancarlo Giannini.
Their tour of the peninsula takes in some unmissable stops. Rome is seen in all her majesty: the Vatican, piazza di Spagna, Trevi fountain, the Colosseum and Imperial Fora, and the Pantheon in piazza della Rotonda.
The Venice lagoon is the perfect romantic destination for the characters, with additional gastronomic experiences. After arriving at piazzale della stazione Santa Lucia, there were – naturally – adventures on the Grand Canal and piazza San Marco.
Another destination is the Tuscan countryside, in particular the medieval village of San Gimignano, famous for its numerous towers that emerge from the hillside.
Scenes were also shot in Cinecittà Studios.
Endeavor Content, Focus Features, Makeready
Book Club: The Next Chapter follows four best friends as they take their book club to Italy for the fun girls trip they never had. When things go off the rails and secrets are revealed, their relaxing vacation turns into a once-in-a-lifetime cross-country adventure.
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