The series incorporates two Italian stages, both associated with the character of Marstorius, a wrestler with armour resembling that of a gladiator. The first stage is set at the Trevi Fountain in Rome (Fighter’s History), and the second at the centre of the Colosseum (Fighter’s History Dynamite).
The series incorporates two Italian stages, both associated with the character of Marstorius, a wrestler with armour resembling that of a gladiator. The first stage is set at the Trevi Fountain in Rome (Fighter’s History), and the second at the centre of the Colosseum (Fighter’s History Dynamite).
Data East
The series – the spiritual successor of Karate Champ (1984) – was created to rival Capcom’s popular Street Fighter II. Despite a few differences, like the use of a ‘weak point system’ and gameplay based on the building up of combos, Fighter’s History was considered a bit too similar to Capcom’s fighting game, and the creators of Street Fighter sued Data East for copyright infringement.