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Rome Reborn



Rome Reborn




The Roman Forum provides a detailed recreation of the area of the Roman Forum, embellishing it, where necessary, with information panels which provide explanations of its history and characteristics; the player may listen to an expert describing monuments, frescoes, uses and public offices. The tour can last up to three hours overall. The fascinating Time Warp function allows the player to choose whether to see the Roman Forum in its virtual recreation or as it actually is, magically teletransporting at any time, from the digital realm to the photographic, the latter composed of the shots of the ruins that can be seen in the capital today.

Flight Over Ancient Rome simulates a flight over Ancient Rome on a hot air balloon. The Forum, Colosseum, the aqueducts and different neighbourhoods, Circus Maximus, the mausoleums of Augustus and Hadrian, the Pyramid Cestia and much more: the game includes over 35 points of interests overall, suitably enhanced with explanation panels with written or audio information. The aerial and synoptic vision provides an understanding of the component parts within the city as a whole and of the spatial relationships that guided their use and construction, while the meticulous recreation of over 7,000 buildings gives the player a real sense of an ancient metropolis.


The Roman Forum provides a detailed recreation of the area of the Roman Forum, embellishing it, where necessary, with information panels which provide explanations of its history and characteristics; the player may listen to an expert describing monuments, frescoes, uses and public offices. The tour can last up to three hours overall. The fascinating Time Warp function allows the player to choose whether to see the Roman Forum in its virtual recreation or as it actually is, magically teletransporting at any time, from the digital realm to the photographic, the latter composed of the shots of the ruins that can be seen in the capital today.

Flight Over Ancient Rome simulates a flight over Ancient Rome on a hot air balloon. The Forum, Colosseum, the aqueducts and different neighbourhoods, Circus Maximus, the mausoleums of Augustus and Hadrian, the Pyramid Cestia and much more: the game includes over 35 points of interests overall, suitably enhanced with explanation panels with written or audio information. The aerial and synoptic vision provides an understanding of the component parts within the city as a whole and of the spatial relationships that guided their use and construction, while the meticulous recreation of over 7,000 buildings gives the player a real sense of an ancient metropolis.

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Flyover Zone Productions


Frischer Consulting


The Rome Reborn experience is a series of applications that use virtual reality and are based on tours, guided and not, that travel through faithful reconstructions of Roman buildings. The two applications presently available are: The Roman Forum and Flight Over Ancient Rome. The former is a explanatory video guide that introduces the virtual reality experience and allows the player to move freely and explore the reconstruction of the Roman Forum, the latter places the player on board an imaginary hot air balloon flying over the city as it appeared in 320 C.E..

The locations

Trajan’s Market – Roma
Region: Lazio Type: Archaeological site Territory: Historical centre, City
Archaeological Park of the Imperial Fora
Region: Lazio Type: Archaeological site Territory: Historical centre, City
Archaeological Park of the Colosseum
Region: Lazio Type: Archaeological site Territory: Historical centre, City
Region: Lazio Type: City Territory: Historical centre, City, Suburbs

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