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Power of Rome




Edoardo Leo

Directed by

Giovanni Troilo

Power of Rome




Edoardo Leo

Directed by

Giovanni Troilo

Where it was filmed 'Power of Rome'

Giovanni Troilo follows the development of the Roman Empire, from Augustus’ imperial creation to the meanders of Nero’s palace; from the chaotic bleachers of the Colosseum to the harmonious architecture of Hadrian’s Villa; from the dream of Constantine that kickstarted an empire of Christianity to the despair of Marcus Aurelius foretelling the fall of a civilisation, as he guides viewers amidst the marvels of the city through the eyes and actions of Edoardo Leo.

An actor from Rome, Leo, is engaged to play Julius Caesar for an English documentary. Irritated by the costumes and clichés of yet another derivative film about the Eternal City, he leaves the set during rehearsals for the most famous assassination in history and ventures out into present-day Rome. The actor explores his own city with fresh eyes, experiencing amusing encounters, escapes, surprising events and dreamy moments as he allows himself to be caught up in the faces and voices of the “Gods of Rome”, those who immortalized the very name of the Eternal City. From Romulus who founded the city in the blood of his brother Remus, to the first Emperor Augustus who rewrote its history, sophisticated Hadrian who made it a universal city and mad Nero who almost destroyed it.

Locations used include: the Colosseum, Archaeological Park of the Imperial Forums, Pantheon, Trevi Fountain, Castel Sant'Angelo and Lungotevere, piazza del Popolo with its obelisk, the Ara Pacis, piazza San Pietro and the Vatican Museums.

Where it was filmed 'Power of Rome'

Giovanni Troilo follows the development of the Roman Empire, from Augustus’ imperial creation to the meanders of Nero’s palace; from the chaotic bleachers of the Colosseum to the harmonious architecture of Hadrian’s Villa; from the dream of Constantine that kickstarted an empire of Christianity to the despair of Marcus Aurelius foretelling the fall of a civilisation, as he guides viewers amidst the marvels of the city through the eyes and actions of Edoardo Leo.

An actor from Rome, Leo, is engaged to play Julius Caesar for an English documentary. Irritated by the costumes and clichés of yet another derivative film about the Eternal City, he leaves the set during rehearsals for the most famous assassination in history and ventures out into present-day Rome. The actor explores his own city with fresh eyes, experiencing amusing encounters, escapes, surprising events and dreamy moments as he allows himself to be caught up in the faces and voices of the “Gods of Rome”, those who immortalized the very name of the Eternal City. From Romulus who founded the city in the blood of his brother Remus, to the first Emperor Augustus who rewrote its history, sophisticated Hadrian who made it a universal city and mad Nero who almost destroyed it.

Locations used include: the Colosseum, Archaeological Park of the Imperial Forums, Pantheon, Trevi Fountain, Castel Sant'Angelo and Lungotevere, piazza del Popolo with its obelisk, the Ara Pacis, piazza San Pietro and the Vatican Museums.

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Data sheet

Directed by
Giovanni Troilo
Edoardo Leo
Country of production

Italian International Film, Vision Distribution, Sky

There’s an open-air theatre which has hosted the history of the world. Its stage of stone and marble has been trodden by the most powerful of men and highest of artists, all of whom played parts seemingly written by destiny. Here gods and mortals tried to meet. That place is Rome.

The locations

Castel Sant'Angelo
Region: Lazio Type: Castle Territory: Historical centre
Cinecittà Studios
Region: Lazio Type: Theatre Territory: City, Suburbs
Trevi Fountain
Region: Lazio Type: Fountain Territory: Historical centre, City
Lungotevere – Rome
Region: Lazio Type: River Territory: Historical centre, City
Pantheon – Roma
Region: Lazio Type: Temple Territory: Historical centre, City
Archaeological Park of the Imperial Fora
Region: Lazio Type: Archaeological site Territory: Historical centre, City
Archaeological Park of the Colosseum
Region: Lazio Type: Archaeological site Territory: Historical centre, City
Piazza del Popolo – Roma
Region: Lazio Type: Square Territory: Historical centre, City
Region: Lazio Type: City Territory: Historical centre, City, Suburbs

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