The three-season series, inspired by Federico Moccia’s novel Three metres above the sky, is set on the sunsoaked, lively Adriatic coast, between the seaside locations of Ravenna and Cesenatico. The third season was shot in 50 + locations, all in Emilia-Romagna.
Marina di Ravenna provides the perfect locations for the protagonist’s stories of friendship and love, with the Palizzata dock, the meeting place known as Baretto, diga Zaccagnini, the fishing huts on the canals, Marina Romea beach and the protected nature reserve Pialassa della Baiona.
In Cesenatico, locations included: bagno Paradiso on Ponente beach, the canal port, coastal road and the town centre, with piazza Andrea Costa where the huge Ferris wheel seen in the series is installed during summer and the Grand Hotel where Summer gets a job.
Rome, Ale’s hometown, also appears in the series when he takes Summer there in Season One. They walk past iconic places in the capital such as the Colosseum, Castel Sant’Angelo, Trevi Fountain, stopping at the archaeological area surrounding teatro Marcello, where they listen to a concert by Raphael Gualazzi, who plays the Gershwins’ Summertime, where the girl got her name.
The three-season series, inspired by Federico Moccia’s novel Three metres above the sky, is set on the sunsoaked, lively Adriatic coast, between the seaside locations of Ravenna and Cesenatico. The third season was shot in 50 + locations, all in Emilia-Romagna.
Marina di Ravenna provides the perfect locations for the protagonist’s stories of friendship and love, with the Palizzata dock, the meeting place known as Baretto, diga Zaccagnini, the fishing huts on the canals, Marina Romea beach and the protected nature reserve Pialassa della Baiona.
In Cesenatico, locations included: bagno Paradiso on Ponente beach, the canal port, coastal road and the town centre, with piazza Andrea Costa where the huge Ferris wheel seen in the series is installed during summer and the Grand Hotel where Summer gets a job.
Rome, Ale’s hometown, also appears in the series when he takes Summer there in Season One. They walk past iconic places in the capital such as the Colosseum, Castel Sant’Angelo, Trevi Fountain, stopping at the archaeological area surrounding teatro Marcello, where they listen to a concert by Raphael Gualazzi, who plays the Gershwins’ Summertime, where the girl got her name.