The series Bangla, a sequel to the 2019 film, takes a comedic tone to showcase the religious, family and emotional conflicts faced by young Phaim, Bangladeshi in origin but born and raised in Italy, as he tries to reconcile his different identities. The clashes with the western world, the difficulty in finding the right balance for the second generation, while his family wants him to preserve the culture of his family roots.
The complex microcosm of the main characters is set, and was mostly shot, in the multi-ethnic neighbourhood of Torpignattara, in Rome, encircled by an extraordinary wealth of humanity. A world with complicated, often contradictory rules, where the only way to survive and thrive is to improvise. The arrival of Asia, an independent and open-minded girl from north Rome, atheist and child of divorced parents, plays havoc with Phaim’s life and creates more than one complication for him.
The series Bangla, a sequel to the 2019 film, takes a comedic tone to showcase the religious, family and emotional conflicts faced by young Phaim, Bangladeshi in origin but born and raised in Italy, as he tries to reconcile his different identities. The clashes with the western world, the difficulty in finding the right balance for the second generation, while his family wants him to preserve the culture of his family roots.
The complex microcosm of the main characters is set, and was mostly shot, in the multi-ethnic neighbourhood of Torpignattara, in Rome, encircled by an extraordinary wealth of humanity. A world with complicated, often contradictory rules, where the only way to survive and thrive is to improvise. The arrival of Asia, an independent and open-minded girl from north Rome, atheist and child of divorced parents, plays havoc with Phaim’s life and creates more than one complication for him.
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