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roma, lazio, città eterna, vaticano basilica, piazza, san pietro, Palatino, Aventino, Campidoglio, Quirinale, Viminale, Esquilino, Celio,  mura aureliane, Colosseo, Antica Roma, Fori imperiali, Domus Aurea, Pantheon, Circo Massimo, Campidoglio, Palazzo Farnese, Palazzo della Cancelleria, Villa Farnesina, Basilica di Santa Maria in Aracoeli, Bernini, Borromini, Palazzo del Quirinale, Piazza Navona, Fontana dei Fiumi, palazzo spada, sant'ivo alla sapienza, piazza del popolo, vittoriano, coppedè, eur, foro italico, stadio olimpico, galleria borghese, galleria nazionale d'arte moderna, musei capitolini, rome, Fountain of 4 Rivers, Olympic Stadium, Capitoline Museums, Circus Maximus, Imperial Forums, Colosseum, Square of St. Peter’s, Vatican City State


Rome, also known as the "Eternal City", is the capital city of Italy and the administrative centre of the Lazio region. Founded in 753 A.C. by Romulus according to legend, Rome was the cradle of western civilization and the heart of Catholicism. Inside the city is the Vatican City State, represented by the Cathedral and Square of St. Peter’s. The ancient heart of the city is located on the seven hills: Palatine, Aventine, Capitoline, Quirinal, Viminal, Esquiline, Celio. The historic centre, its ancient architectural and artistic heritage enclosed within the Aurelian walls, bears witness to 3000 years of history.
The Colosseum, the greatest amphitheatre of Ancient Rome, is recognised as one of the seven wonders of the modern world. The feats of imperial Rome also include the Imperial Forums, the Domus Aurea, the Pantheon and Circus Maximus.
The city experienced a period of great artistic ferment during the Renaissance which led to the building of squares like the Capitoline, elegant palaces such as Palazzo Farnese, Palazzo della Cancelleria, Villa Farnesina, and the restructuring of religious centres such as the Basilica of Santa Maria in Aracoeli.
The Baroque period, with its greatest exponents Bernini and Borromini, brought the city jewels including Palazzo del Quirinale (official residence of the President of Italy), piazza Navona and its Fountain of 4 Rivers, Sant’Ivo alla Sapienza and Palazzo Spada.
Points of interest include piazza del Popolo, the Vittoriano, the 20th century neighbourhoods of Coppedè and EUR, the Foro Italico, the Olympic Stadium and the numerous museums including galleria Borghese, galleria Nazionale d'Arte Moderna and the Capitoline Museums.

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Tarmac road, Accessible with large vehicles, Accessible by car
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Roma Lazio Film Commission
Via Parigi 11 – 00185, Roma
Phone: +39 06 72286273/320
Fax: +39 06 722 1127
Email: info@romalaziofilmcommission.it

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10 giorni con i suoi
Film comedy
Directed by: Alessandro Genovesi

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Region: Lazio Type: City